Illegal ads sometimes do appear on job sites. If you find any ad of the following nature, please do not respond to it:
  1. Ads that require payment for applications.
  2. Ads that promote pyramid selling or similar schemes.
  3. Ads that are untrue or misleading (e.g. misleading job title, job description or company description).
  4. Ads with dubious ethical credentials (e.g. social escorts, etc.).
You can always report the ad as a scam or email it to certain authorities, giving the Company Name and Position Title, and it will be investigated.

Also, be aware in misusing your application information, such as:
  1. Any advertiser/employer/staff using the information in your job application to approach you and sell insurance, promote multi-level marketing (MLM) or make offers that are not connected to the job advertised;
  2. Offering jobs that require you to pay money, processing fees, training fees, make a purchase etc. in order to obtain the job. Should fees be required, verify from an accredited government agency if the company is a licensed recruiter and/or placement agency.
  3. Jobs that seem proper up to the interview stage but later, are revealed to be a guise to promote other schemes.
Lastly, do not provide your Password to anyone.

This is just a reminder to everyone who are applying on jobs through the internet. We are all aware that there are so much sprouting fake mushrooms on the net just to take advantage of the opportunities that the world is experiencing: underemployment on most countries...



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